Heart of America Wing
Commemorative Air Force (CAF)
The CAF was founded to acquire, restore, and preserve in flying condition a complete collection of combat aircraft flown by all military services of the United States, as well as selected aircraft of other nations, for the education and enjoyment of present and future generations of Americans.
More than just a collection of airworthy warplanes from the past, the CAF's fleet of historic aircraft, known as the CAF Ghost Squadron, recreates, reminds, and reinforces the lessons learned from the defining moments in American military aviation history.
Heart of America Wing (HOA)
at "NAS Olathe"
The CAF-HOA is located at New Century AirCenter in Johnsom County, Kansas. Formerly known as Naval Air Station Olathe, the US Navy commissioned the air base in 1942 as a primary training facility for US Navy pilots. Such famous people as NASA Astronaut and US senator John Glenn and Price is Right host Bob Barker learned to fly here.
Today our Wing preserves the rich history and traditions of military aviation in Kansas at the now civilian airport.
Staff Meetings
First Thursday of the month
7 pm (1900 Local)
CAF Staff & CAF Members
Member Meetings
Third Saturday of the month
10:00AM - 12:00PM; Lunch to follow
CAF Members, Guests, & Public are welcome!
New Century AirCenter ( KIXD )
Elevation: 1,087.3 ft
Tower: 133.000 [0600-2200]
Ground: 124.300 [0600-2200]
Our Vision
Shaping the future by honoring the greatest generation, inspiring today's youth, and educating through flight.
Our Mission
Educating today’s public about the history and legacy of the Greatest Generation, so that generation's strength of character, courage and ability to triumph over adversity may inspire others to RISE ABOVE obstacles in their own lives.